Spring Concert Program Cover Design Competition: Announcing Our Winners!

Dear FCA Frisco Families,

With fears over COVID-19 growing and out of concern for all our families, the Spring Band and Orchestra concert has been cancelled. This was to be a large gathering with more than 600 parents and family members, 300 6th through 9th grade students and many teachers also in attendance.

Mr. Sprouls, Mr. Peart and all our students have been working hard on what was to be a wonderful concert with music selections from some of the greatest composers of all time. Let’s hope that, with our school and the community at large working together to contain the spread of COVID-19 that we will all, once again, be able to come together to hear our students perform soon.

As you know, we held a competition to design the cover of our Spring Concert Program. Our intention was to announce the winners early next week with a reminder to all our families about the concert. With school closed next week and the concert cancelled I wanted to still share with you the results of our competition.

Just before Spring Break Mr. Longoria and I met with our esteemed judges Ms. Sharpless and Ms. Koons whose challenge it was to select our winners. It proved to be a difficult task but after some deliberation our five finalists were determined and then came the even harder task of deciding which of our finalists’ entries would be the overall winner. I am glad I did not have to make any of the decisions!

Eventually choices were made. First place was awarded to a wonderfully imaginative creation by Lili-Mai Pigeon (7th grade) of a musical tree. Second place was awarded to Madi Wynne (6th grade) whose beautiful calligraphy work really impressed our judges. We were going to display Lili-Mai’s entry on the front cover of the program and Madi Wynne’s front cover design on the back cover of the program – I prepared the combined entries into one cover ready to print and can tell you it looked absolutely beautiful.

Our other three finalists were Marilou Pigeon (6th grade) whose very detailed musically themed drawing impressed our judges, Soreya Moumouni (7th grade) whose impressive front cover and clever use of composers’ profiles for the back cover really caught our judges’ eyes, and Bryce Tackett (8th grade) who impressed one and all with his imaginative designs for both front and back covers.

I would just like to congratulate all of our winners and say a huge thank you to ALL our students who took the time to design program covers and enter the competition. I would also like to thank Mr. Longoria for all his help with the competition and for designing the templates and the instructional video.

Our plan is to hold another competition in the fall to design a program cover for our Christmas concert – with – no prizes for guessing – a Christmas theme of course. I am already looking forward to seeing the entries for our next competition.

In the meantime, my thoughts and good wishes are with all our families. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all at future fine arts events.

Photos below in order are:

Winning Entry: Lili-Mai Pigeon 7th Grade

Second Place: Madi Wynne 6th Grade

Finalist: Marilou Pigeon 6th Grade

Finalist: Soreya Moumouni 7th Grade

Finalist: Bryce Tackett 8th Grade

Lili-Mai Pigeon.jpg
Madi Wynne.jpg
Marilou Pigeon.jpg
Soreya Moumouni.jpg
Bryce Tackett.jpg
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