Melanie Sharpless: The Importance of Fine Arts in a Classical Education

“To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts-such is the duty of an artist.”

-Robert Schumann

Dear Parents-

At FCA Frisco both visual art and music are compulsory through eighth grade and elective choices in high school.  As the school grows our hope is to add the art of drama as well. There are multiple reasons why we place such an emphasis on the arts and why they are integral to a classical education.

The first is that art is a reflection of particular cultures and time periods. To thoroughly understand history the arts must be integrated into our curriculum.  For instance, surrealism was born out of confusion and pain as a result of the atrocities of World War I.  The integration of the subjects provides a complete education for our students, not just unrelated parcels and pieces.

In a culture that is oftentimes filled with vulgarity, the beautiful can direct us to what is good and true.  The beauty found in art and music can not only be redemptive but transformative.  Our souls draw nourishment from these things. Developing an understanding of art and music can create a lifelong appreciation for these disciplines, and assist in developing more human qualities.

Finally, the view of man in classical education is that the student is made to inspire and create.  Skilled painters and musicians and not just born, they work incredibly hard, learn from the masters, discipline themselves to hone their craft, and one day may have the opportunity to produce something that not only is extremely self-satisfying, but that will galvanize others to follow in their footsteps.

I am proud to announce the formation of the FCA Fine Arts Booster Club.  The booster club was created to support the students and faculty in the growth of the Fine Arts program at our school.  Save the date for our first art exhibit from 6-8 pm on campus on April 17. 


Melanie Sharpless


FCA Frisco

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