Announcing the Winners In Our 2021-22 Orchestra Merchandise Design Competition!

The FAB team would just like to say a HUGE thank you to all our 5th through 10th grade students who entered our Orchestra Merchandise Design Competition. The entries were FABulous and we so enjoyed seeing the amazing talent and creativity of our FCAF students at work.

Congratulations to our overall competition winner Maddie Hancock who once again this year produced an outstanding design as you can see!

Maddie Hancock Shirt 21-22.jpg

We will be offering yard signs, car stickers and instrument tags this next school year. Here’s a sneak peak at the design for those items!

Maddie Sign Rectangle.jpg

Congratulations also to our 10th grade competition winner and second place overall winner Kenli Mobisa whose stunning design really caught the eye of our esteemed judge Mr. Peart.

Kenli M.jpg

Congratulations as well to our 5th grade competition  winner and third place overall winner Sahasra Sarapu whose intricately crafted design was a winner with Mr. Peart too.

Sahasra Sarapu.png

All students who entered the competition will be receiving DQ Sundae coupons! Kenli and Sahasra will be receiving Chick-Fil-A Be Our Guest Meal cards in addition to their DQ Sundae coupons and our overall winner Maddie Hancock has selected a Chipotle Dinner For Two gift card as her prize and will also receive two 2021-22 School Year Orchestra T-shirts incorporating her winning design!

Below are some of our other 5th grade entries and 6th grade entries - as you can see we have some very talented artists in the making!

Claire Kumar 6th.jpg

Claire Kumar, 6th Grade

Anika Patel.jpg

Anika Patel, 6th Grade

Jake Squire Orchestra Entry.jpg

Jake Squire, 5th Grade

Anaya Dube.jpg

Anaya Dube, 5th Grade

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