FCA Frisco Band & Orchestra T-Shirt Design Winners!

We received some absolutely FABulous entries to our very first FCA Frisco band and orchestra T-Shirt design competition. We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all our students who entered the competition, for taking the time to do so and for sharing their creativity and flair with us. Mr. Peart, Mr. Sprouls and I have been so impressed and have really enjoyed seeing all the designs.

So, without further ado, here are our competition winners!

First place goes to Maddie Hancock. Mr. Peart loved her incredibly beautiful and detailed design and is looking forward to seeing this recreated on our 2020-2021 orchestra T-Shirts.  

Second place goes to Diya Patel. Mr. Sprouls loved this crisp, clear design and thinks it is going to look just FABulous on our 2020-2021 band T-Shirts.

Third place goes to Marie Lindskog. We all loved how inventive Marie was with this very modern design.

Fourth place goes to Abbie Tanenbaum with her beautiful design incorporating musical notes spelling out FCA.

Fifth place goes to Allie Parr. We were impressed with how many musical references Allie was able to incorporate into her joke.

Congratulations to all our winners!

We hope you all enjoy looking at their wonderful designs.

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Diya Patel New.jpg
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Allie Parr.jpeg
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