FCA Frisco Spring Concert Information


The Founders Classical Academy of Frisco Spring concert is an annual event. It affords our students the opportunity to perform as part of band or orchestra in a large auditorium setting which is a wonderful experience for them all. It provides our hard working band and orchestra directors an opportunity to show you, our families and friends at FCA Frisco, the progress our students are making. Above all, it is an opportunity for friends and family of FCA Frisco students to come together and enjoy an evening of musical entertainment.

The theme for the Spring 2020 concert is “FABulous Composers!” Our band and orchestra students will be performing pieces composed by some of the most famous classical composers of all time.

So, come and join us, Bring your family and friends, bring your cameras and video recorders and capture lasting memories of what we hope will be a very special occasion.


We need the help of you, our booster club members to make this event a success!

We need the following volunteer assistance.

Contact Jane Sleeth: janesleeth@yahoo.com or text 972-261-7742 if you would like to help!

Wednesday 25th March: 11am to 2pm

Three volunteers are required at the Founders Classical Academy Upper School building to help with program folding. (Note: the time of this activity might change)

Friday 27th March: 11am to 2pm

Four willing and able volunteers to help Mr. Sprouls and Mr. Peart move all the large instruments (double bass, cellos, tubas etc.) and equipment (chairs, music stands etc.) from Founders Classical Academy to Hope Fellowship Church. At least two of the volunteers need to have their own vehicles available and enough space in their vehicles to transport some of the instruments which we do not want getting thrown about in the U-haul

Friday March 27th: 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Two volunteers are required to help Mr. Sprouls and Mr. Peart with stage set up – lifting chairs, music stands and large instruments onto the stage and setting everything up.

Friday 27th March: 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Four volunteers to meet and greet arriving students and direct them to the auditorium, help with questions from parents and family attending the event and hand out concert programs.

Friday 27th March: During the concert 

Two volunteers required to assist with stage resetting between band and orchestra performances. This will take approximately ten minutes.,

Friday 27th March: 8:30pm to 9:30pm 

Three volunteers required to assist with packing up instruments and equipment and loading everything back onto the U-Haul. These volunteers will need to take some of the large instruments with them in their vehicles so need large enough vehicles to accommodate a double bass for example.


Date:                                             Friday, 27th March 2020

Venue:                                          Hope Fellowship Church East

                                                        9950 Rolater Road, Frisco TX 75035

Performances By:                     Band and Orchestra

                                                       All Band students 6th through 9th grade

                                                       All Orchestra students 6th through 9th grade

Attendance:                               Attendance is MANDATORY  for all students

Student Arrival Time:              5:30pm

Admission Doors Open:         6:15pm

Concert Start Time:                 6:30pm 

Concert End Time:                   8:30pm 

Student Arrival Instructions:  

Students must arrive no later than 5:30pm. Students should proceed to the main event hall for rehearsal. Students need to bring with them their instruments and sheet music.

Note: Family and friends are not allowed into the auditorium until 6:15pm but can wait in the lobby until the admission doors open.

Note: there will be no food or drinks served at the venue so students should eat before or after the concert. Students can bring a water bottle with them to the venue.

Student Attire:                            

Students must wear formal dress attire for the concert – for any new families this simply means students wear the required uniform for a normal Wednesday at school.

Note: students are NOT required to wear formal dress for school that Friday, they only need to wear it for the concert in the evening.




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