FCA Frisco 7th Grade "Dreaming Like Dali" Art Project

Last semester, thanks to the generosity of our FCAF families, our face painting fund raiser at the Fall Festival raised $1,010. We plan on sharing with you in the coming weeks how that money has been spent and put to use by our FCAF art department.

Some of the money raised was spent on acrylic paints, high quality paper and palettes. This enabled our Middle school students to work with acrylic paints for the first time at school. Our 7th graders used these paints for their final piece of art work in their “Dreaming Like Dali” project. Students conducted their own research to draw inspiration from and included elements used in Surrealism artwork such ax juxtaposing ideas and gradients.

Below are some photos of the amazing paintings they created as a result.

We will be joining forces with our FABulous art department teachers and HS art student volunteers to do another face painting fund raiser at the Spring Carnival - we look forward to seeing you there!

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